Nate Jones

Since 2015, I have been learning how to be in life with as much connection, energy, and love as is possible. As you might know, this is not an easy or straightforward venture, but it is the only one that makes any sense to me. In some way or another, I believe we all want these things, and my life and work is committed to walking alongside anybody who wants to take the brave step inside.

  • Growing beyond where you think you can go. Discovering the inner workings of your mind, body, and emotions. Living in accordance with your truest values. Being in harmonious relationship with all of life. See more

  • Working with a teacher (spiritual friend) individually offers tremendous precision to the unique needs of your path. What do you need right now? This is a collaborative exploration and your love, your challenges, and your potential are indeed the focus. See more

  • Are intimate relationships easy? Anybody who has been in one would likely say they are not. Are they rewarding? Most would say yes. So, what is it that makes them so difficult?What is it that they truly offer? Partnership is one of the most intense and exhilarating paths to experiencing true Love and waking up who we really are. How committed are you? See more