Spiritual Development

These offerings are for healing. The focus is on the mind. Our perception creates our reality — our hurt, our trauma, our temporary happiness — and it can also free us from these pains. The answer lies in changing our minds about our lives, the people in it, ourselves, and any situations or experiences that have taken place. There are many angles to approach this simple, powerful method of healing, and I present some amazing and effective ways of doing so in these programs below.

* If you’re interested in 1-1 work please email me at nate@betogetheryoga.com *



available in December 2023


Available by Request

live online program with in-person option

FREE and pre-recorded - start now!

live online program with in-person option

live online program with in-person option

live online program



live online immersion with in-person option

live online program with in-person option




“Taking classes from Nate has been a truly amazing experience. He is probably THE most warm, open and genuine individual I have ever met and it is so calming to be around him. I really value his classes and recommend them to others because of both the thoughtful and original ideas and lessons he provides and the great atmosphere he creates. Nate has really thoughtful and beneficial ways of looking at challenges and mundane things in life- he addresses how to work with our most challenging relationships and how to work and speak to ourselves in a kinder way. He really gets an important truth in life that we often can't change the situations and people around us, but we do have a lot of control over ourselves. He provides powerful exercises that allow us to practice changing the negative or anxiety-provoking thoughts we have and help us appreciate so many things we often take for granted. Nate has really insightful phrases and ideas I often write down such as, "Abundance is wanting what you have". Finally, he is so kind, warm, and open-minded that simply working with him will make you feel a whole lot better in general. I strongly recommend Nate's workshops, meditations, and classes, especially for those who currently feel stuck, view life, themselves, or others negatively, or just want a compassionate, kind way to work through challenges.” - T